
Privacy Policy for Arithmetic Worksheet

 At Arithmetic Worksheet, I am committed to providing a safe and private experience for children who use our app. This privacy policy explains that I do not collect, use, or retain any personal information from users, including children under 13 years of age, in compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including its special provisions for children's data (GDPR-K). 1. Information I Do Not Collect I do not collect or request any personal information from users. Our app is designed to function without gathering any personally identifiable information (PII), usage data, or device information, in compliance with both COPPA and GDPR-K. 2. No Third-Party Services Our app does not integrate or use any third-party services or tools that collect data, such as analytics providers or ad networks. I do not link to any external websites or services from within the app. 3. No Advertising There are no advertisements